Sale of AZV and MGV

Wednesday 23 November Yesterday I sold out of AZV at 6.6¢ and MGV at 8.2¢, making a big loss on both. AZV had been bought on 6 September at 9.2¢ and MGV on 20 October at 12.5¢. Both were basically failed breakouts and I should have cut both much earlier. I see that today AZV is … Read more

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Portfolio review 161118

Friday 18 November During the week the positions in FBR and SMR were sold while ACU, CYP and DYE were purchased. The portfolio return fell 2% this week, taking the YTD return to 11%. No substantial falls (>20%) were recorded in individual stocks, but falls of over 10% were experienced by AGO, ANG, BCI, KPO, LNU … Read more

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Purchase of CYP and DYE

Friday 18 November This morning I purchased shares in Perovskite solar cell developer Dysol Ltd (DYE) at 24¢ and in Cynata Therapeutics Ltd (CYP) at 76¢. They both broke out in recent days. Both shares have been held in the portfolio in the past and I was particularly pleased to see DYE turn bullish because I … Read more

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Portfolio review 161111

Saturday 12 November This week the trading portfolio performed well, so that financial YTD returns increased 5%, from 8% to 13%, almost taking returns back to where they were two weeks ago. Shares in the two iron ore miners AGO and BCI did brilliantly, and also GNX, MEL and TAS. The weekly performance hides a big fall to … Read more

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Purchase of more BRN

Saturday 12 November Yesterday I purchased some more BRN at 19.5¢ when it broke its short term downtrend line. Also I love the story (but hopefully the story is not a fairytale). The purchase more than doubles the existing holding which I purchased at 26¢ in a fit of enthusiasm on 5 October.

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Portfolio review 161104

Saturday 5 November It was a terrible week with the portfolio’s YTD return slipping 6%, to just 8%. Most stocks fell, some quite heavily. The worst were CTP down 29%, FBR down 23% and BRN down 17%. I’ve been travelling and missed Friday’s market completely, and if I had been able to concentrate I may have … Read more

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Portfolio review 161028

Sunday 30 October On Monday last week I bought into Orthocell (OCC) at 48.5¢. No other transactions were made, partly because I was travelling and could not devote as much time to the portfolio. In fact today is the first time I have had a chance to view the portfolio since Wednesday, and in my … Read more

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Portfolio review 161021

Saturday 22 October It was a reasonably active week for transactions with five new positions (three of which had been held previously), one position added to, and two positions sold. The trading portfolio’s return finished up a further 1%, to finish the week at just under 17%. Gains of over 20% were made in NEA (+25%) and … Read more

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Purchases of CTP, FGR, MGV and KPO; sale of AXP and AMA

Saturday 22 October I have been travelling visiting family in NZ this week and couldn’t find the time to document my transactions beyond the purchase of ANG on Monday. So this post (being written in New Plymouth) gets you up to date. On Tuesday I bought back into upstream  petroleum company Central Petroleum (CTP) at 13¢ … Read more

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Bought back into ANG

Monday 17 October This afternoon I bought back into ANG at 20¢. I had bought them at 18¢ in the last few weeks but sold at 14¢ when they lost momentum. Let’s hope today’s purchase will do better. Certainly, the chart looks good.

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Portfolio review 161014

Saturday 15 October During the week purchases were made in SEA and VLA, plus I added to existing positions in 4DS and GAP. The holdings in MNF, CDA and GMD were sold, and also half the position in SMR. The portfolio return for the YTD increased  2%, to just over 15%. Excellent gains were made … Read more

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Sold CDA and GMD

Saturday 15 October Yesterday I sold the position in CDA at $1.565, making a nice profit on the $1.39 I purchased them at on 1 September. I also sold out of GMD at 2.6¢, representing quite a loss on the 3.2¢ I paid in July.

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Purchased VLA, and more GAP

Wednesday 12 October I had bought some Gale Pacific shares (GAP) at 40.5¢ during August and this morning I bought more at 43.5¢ after they made a new high. I also bought into biotech company Viralytics (VLA) at $1.02 after a breakout yesterday.

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Portfolio review 161007

Saturday 8 October I was very busy buying and selling last week. Eight stocks were sold and seven purchased, plus I bought more FBR. By the end of the week the YTD portfolio return had slipped 1%, to 13%. Lots of little movements, up and down, with no real standouts. Cash accounts for 10% of … Read more

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Sale of CYP

Friday 7 October This morning I sold my position in Cynata Therapeutics (CYP) at 56¢ after it broke support. They finished at 50¢ which is an area of good support. I had bought the shares at 44.5¢ on 6 September so it was a good profit albeit not as good as it would have been … Read more

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Purchased more FBR

Thursday 6 October Today I purchased more FBR at 15¢ when they poked their head above resistance. Unfortunately I missed the breakdown of LOM when it broke through its very short term uptrend. I am not too worried though because that was a very steep uptrend. A shallower uptrend will hopefully emerge in due course ( … Read more

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Purchase of OVL

Tuesday 4 October This morning I bought into gold explorer Oro Verde (OVL) at 2.4¢ after the breakout yesterday. I also revised my buy order for the remaining ATP from 4.3¢ to 4.4¢ but didn’t pick any more up.

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Portfolio review 160930

Sunday 2 October Performance during the week During the week the entire position in FGR was sold. It had been the biggest holding. Other sales included ASZ (post the takeover bid) and SGF, while purchases comprised AMA, AXP, CKA and MEP. The portfolio had a good week, with YTD (three month) returns increasing 4% to 14%. A … Read more

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