Purchase of PGC, sale of half the GNG

Wednesday 10 August Yesterday I took the opportunity of a surge in price for GNG to sell half the holding at $1.61, representing a reasonable profit on the acquisition at $1.135 on 5 July. The stock hadn’t broken down technically though. I also bought into PGC at 76¢ on a breakout. The daily chart is reproduced … Read more

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Portfolio review 160805

Friday 5 August The portfolio return fell a further 2% during the week, bringing the YTD performance to 14%. Again, the main contributor to the fall was AKP, down a further 6%. It is still by far the main component of the portfolio, accounting for 31% of the total. The stock still appears to be within … Read more

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Sale of TME, purchase of OGX

Tuesday 2 August Yesterday I continued the tidy up of minor holdings with the sale of TME at $4.88. I also bought into Brazilian nugget gold producer Orinoco (OGX) at 26¢. The shares had broken out to a new high of 30.5¢ last month and had then retreated back to support at 24¢. Let’s hope the plant commissions … Read more

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Portfolio review 160729

Saturday 30 July The portfolio returns for the YTD slipped 1% this week, to 16%. The highlight was a 30% rise in CYC, while there were 9% rises in CTP, EOS and FGR. However, these were offset by a 6% fall in AKP, which now accounts for one third of the portfolio. I am reasonably happy … Read more

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Portfolio review 160722

Friday 22 July Unusually, no transactions were carried out during the week. The portfolio return rocketed up another 5% during the week, to a new YTD high of 17%. Again, the main contributor was AKP, but good rises were also experienced in a number of the other stocks. To have achieved what would ordinarily be a … Read more

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Portfolio review 160715

Sunday 17 July The portfolio ended a little ahead over the week, albeit down on its high reached on Monday. No individual stock stood out but of course the performance of AKP (up 3%) is crucial given its (dangerously?) high portfolio weighting. There is as yet no sign of the rise coming to the end, … Read more

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Portfolio review 160708

Sunday 10 July It was another good week with the portfolio up some 8% and bringing the YTD gains (comprising just one week so far) to about 10%. The performance was led again by AKP (up a staggering 30% during the week) and this now accounts for 31% of the portfolio. Good performances were also put … Read more

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Portfolio review 160701

Saturday 2 July It was a good performance last week with the portfolio’s return up 9%, comprising 6% for the last few days of last financial year and 3% on Friday, being the first day of the new financial year. The biggest impact came from the largest holding, AKP, up 22% during the week. I should mention … Read more

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Bought back some of the SOM

Wednesday 29 June Today I placed an order to buy back the shares in sleep disorder company Somnomed Ltd (SOM) (price $3.50, mkt cap $198m) at $3.45, but only got a tiny fraction of the order done. Might have to revise my order upwards but we will see. I had sold the shares just 9 … Read more

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Purchase of GTK, and more LNU

Wednesday 29 June Yesterday I bought into GTK at $2.60 and bought more LNU at 6.5¢. Gentrack Group Ltd (GTK, price $2.62, mkt cap $190m) is a NZ company providing IT solutions for utilities and airports. On 27 May the shares broke through resistance at $2.55 and in the following two weeks advanced to a … Read more

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Portfolio review 160617

Friday 17 June The portfolio lost 6% of its gains during the week, finishing up 56% for the financial YTD. Falls were suffered almost across the board. Portfolio 160617 Price movements in week Graph of portfolio gains financial YTD

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Purchase of VMS and PAK

Friday 17 June On Wednesday I purchased VMS at 3.9¢ and on Thursday I purchased PAK at 17¢. Am underwater on both at present. Venture Minerals (VMS, 3.5¢, $11.1m) is exploring for zinc in Thailand and for lithium around Greenbushes WA. I bought it for the chart but that now looks wrong. Pacific American Coal … Read more

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Portfolio review 160610

Friday 10 June The portfolio broadly marked time this week, with the pluses and minuses almost balancing out. Rather than providing more detail, I will leave you to read the links below, if you feel so inclined. I am reasonably happy with the portfolio except I still haven’t perfected my selling strategy. Portfolio 160610 Price … Read more

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Repurchase of FGR

Friday 10 June Today I repurchased at 10.5¢ the FGR shares I had sold at 8.5¢ three or four weeks ago. I had thought at the time that the shares had broken key short term support but I subsequently drew another line which suggested the support did not break after all. Duh! One of these … Read more

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Sale of APY, AZS, OML and XAM, plus purchase of MNF, all on Wednesday

Friday 10 June I didn’t have time during the week to report on transactions at the time they were undertaken. Shown above are the transactions I executed on Wednesday 8 June. The sales were all of under-performers since there purchase, no doubt badly timed, but there it is. I had to make room for new opportunities, one … Read more

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Portfolio review 160603

Sunday 5 June The portfolio gained 12% during the week, to finish ahead 63% for the year to date. By far the main influence was a 36% rise in the AKP price, and that holding now accounts for 26% of the portfolio. Other big movers were Ausdrill up 35%, CLQ up 22%, RFX up 17% and … Read more

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Purchase of EOS

Wednesday 1 June Today I purchased shares in Canberra-based Electro Optic Systems Holdings Ltd (EOS) at just under $1.75, at which price the company has a market cap of $102m. I am familiar with the stock, having held it in past years, and know the management (Ben Greene et al) quite well. Its combination of remote weapons systems … Read more

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