Fri 14 Feb

All Ords 7227 up 22 pts or 0.3%

Trading portfolio
The portfolio rose 3.4% today, taking the gain for the week to 13.7% and the financial YTD return to 131.0%. A great performance but of course the great bulk of it due to SDV.

A 5.3% rise in SciDec shares (SDV, 90¢ up 4.5¢, $116m undiluted) added 3.1% to portfolio value today. Here are the daily and hourly charts. The key point is that a new high has been achieved and that bodes very well for the immediate future. I had thought the shares might consolidate for a bit longer but not so.

Movements in other stocks added 0.3% to portfolio value. Main influences were AVH +4%, TSLA +5% and CCA -6%.

Pushpay shares (PPH, $4.68 up 6¢, $1.3b) hit record highs this week, breaking through the trading range of $2.85 to $4.45 that has defined the last two and a half years. That is very positive and suggests a medium term target of around $7.00. It vindicates my decision to double up on the holding. Here are the weekly and daily charts.

I have to say, the PPK chart looks outstanding.

Long term portfolio
The portfolio rise 0.8%, taking the gain for the week to 2.6% and the financial YTD return to 34.4%.

A 1.7% rise in Electro Optic Systems shares (EOS, $9.99 up 17¢, $1.3b) added 0.7% to portfolio value today. Here are the daily and hourly charts. The stock remains in consolidation mode.

Movements in other stocks today added 0.1% to portfolio value. Main influences were EML +3%, NAN +3% and AD8 -2%.

Phoslock (PET, 74¢ even, $418m)
Here are the daily and hourly charts. Still trying to bottom. My research report has been delayed until next week due to having to add a bit more detail on the effect of the coronavirus and waiting to hear back from various people. All good, hopefully.

Other stocks
FBR (FBR, 5.8¢ up 0.5¢, $102m) is attempting to bottom. Currently on resistance but any further strength would point to a more sustained rally.

AVZ Minerals (AVZ, 8.2¢ up 0.9¢, $189m) has popped. It had been on my buy list for some weeks but somehow I did not buy them. Bugger.

Capitol Health (CAJ, 27.5¢ up 2¢, $211m) has turned around.

Quickstep (QHL, 13.5¢ down 0.5¢, $96m) could be a good long term buy.

Vmoto (VMT, 13.5¢ down 0.5¢, $96m) continues to look good.

New breakouts of interest
None today.

Voluntary payment
Those of you who think this service is worth paying for can now do so. You can make a voluntary contribution to my bank account, the details of which are shown here. And a big thank you to those who have contributed so far. I know who you are but not knowing your contact details I have no means of thanking you individually.