Fri 20 Oct 2023

All Ords 7090 down 83 pts or 1.2%Bear market blues.Portfolio transactionsI received the contract note for MTC today so addded it to the Superfund portfolio. Its weighting is 1.5%.Portfolio performancesThe Superfund portfolio rose 0.2%, taking the gain for the week to 0.4% and the return for the financial YTD to minus 25.0%. Movements today were … Read more

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Mon 12 Aug

All Ords 6670 up 7 pts or 0.1% Voluntary paymentThose of you who think this service is worth paying for can now do so. You can make a voluntary contribution to my bank account, the details of which are shown here. And a big thank you to those who have contributed so far. I know … Read more

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